Sometime things can drive you crazy!! Of course you have to define crazy. Bad crazy is rough, good crazy is great, However there are many degrees of craziness and I’m talking about your run of the mill crazy.
Normal stuff that gets to you! Like having an itch you can’t reach to scratch. Or a car that pulls out in front of you and instead of going the speed everyone else is doing, it continues going slow!
On the other hand have you ever heard someone say “the food at the restaurant was crazy good!”
So it’s pretty relative how one views crazy. Personally when something is driving me crazy I try to remember other things which drove me more crazy.
That way I forget how crazy I’m currently been driven. Actually being driven crazy is good for you in one sense, it wakes you up!
It makes you realize how many things you do without thinking about them until something out of the ordinary happens and it bugs you.
Like stopping at your favorite store and they are out of what you went for!
There are so many things we take for granted that we could go through life without paying attention to anything that sometimes a change in routine is a good jolt of reality
In the long run though, I’m glad I get the chance to complain about being driven crazy, just think how boring it would be if every day was just the same!!Of course I realize that me being driven crazy just effects me, but I know that someone somewhere else is being driven crazy too!
So welcome to the club, we’ll get over it together!