Now that Daylight Saving is gone for this year, just what do I do with the extra hour I gained? I know for sure I can’t save it like in a savings account otherwise I’d save a weeks worth then take a week off!
However, Daylight Savings time may be going through some changes soon. Some folks want it year round, others want it scraped.
Daylight Saving Time began a long time ago with the reasons being able to save energy because people would be outside not using energy. Another reason was for agriculture production from farmers taking advantage of the longer days, But many feel Daylight Savings Time has outlived its benefits, in fact several states don’t use it at all.
Personally I like Daylight Saving because of the long days and if you live on The Central Oregon Coast there is a lot to see so we spend a lot of time outside checking things out. The animals that live near me don’t know the difference between Daylight Savings and regular time since they don’t have to change their clocks but I know they like the longer daylight times.
So perhaps Daylight Savings will go the way of the old pay phone booth and it will soon become an answer in a trivia game. Time marches on and as we move into Winter and regular time keep your ears open, Daylight Savings might mean something different next years! Oh I hope you set your clocks back and saved your hour!