Presidents day always makes me smile! Seems like we can’t decide which President to honor so we’ve just lumped them all together and you get to decide which one to honor! These days that could be scary, choose the wrong President and someone is going to be mad at you!
However it’s a national holiday so there is no mail and banks are closed so it’s truly a day when little gets done! I’ll be a wise guy here and say that does sound like something a President would do.
While I’m at it I wonder what ever happens to the time we loose when we set our clocks back for daylight savings time? Do we ever get it back? Just wondering.!
I do love holidays though, like the 4th of July. Now that is a holiday where you can blast off fireworks, BBQ, and generally have a fun time. That to me signifies a good holiday. However I’ll take Presidents day and enjoy it. After all a lot of us get the day off and that’s worth something.
Another thing I’m grateful for is living here on the Central Oregon Coast in Waldport and avoiding the ice and snow that made Portland and the Willamette valley a mess. Ice, snow and power outages make life miserable. Not only can you not get around very easily, it’s damn cold when the power is out and there is no heat. And to compound matters is that the power companies can’t get to the downed lines to restore power. Plus the multitude of accidents caused from people driving to fast in the hazard conditions. So to finish off this column I’ll just say that while I may complain about the wind and rain here on the coast, I’m glad I’m here and that I can enjoy life without the frigid and rough conditions found in other parts of this great state!