The month of October can be a scary time of year!
You know October is a scary month with Halloween being the official scary day featuring ghosts and goblins witches and things that go bump in the night, scary stuff for sure!
However, it seems that the month of October has other scary stuff besides Halloween like the Columbus Day storm Oct 12’th 1962 that blasted Oregon and now the political bigwigs who are blasting one another hoping to scare voters into voting for their cause. Just watch the television commercials for the two big issues in Oregon right now, the measures which deal with land and smoking. If that’s not scary listening to the two sides try to bushwhack the others, then I don’t know what is!
Besides nature’s propensity to shake it up weather wise in October and the never ending political double talk, this particular October must be very scary for a couple guys named Joe; Joe Torrie, and Joey Harrington.
Joe Torrie works, or worked, for the New York Yankees, probably the most recognizable name in professional baseball and Joey Harrington former University of Oregon star, works for the Atlanta Falcons in the National Football League. Both men have dealt with the ups and downs of professional sports but unlike the scares from trick or treating on Halloween, or the fake bodies jumping out of caskets, this particular scary time will never be forgotten by these men. With your job, career and reputation on the line it’s gotta be scary, a lot worse than haunted houses with monsters and spiders hanging from the door, it will take a lot more than garlic and daylight to ward this off.
Joe’s team got eliminated in the playoffs making it impossible to win the World Series. Not good for New York or The Yankees. Joey’s team in Atlanta has been in upheaval since the season started with their star being sidelined for legal issues. Joe was supposed to guide the most expensive baseball team to the top and Joey was called upon to be the answer for the fallen star. Well I’m sure Halloween doesn’t scare these men but these October memories might send chills down their spines. Hopefully though, their best memories of October like ours will be how beautiful the month is with all of nature’s colors brilliantly coming to life!
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