Here we go into 2021. Well, so far it’s not much different than 2020. I still get bills in the mail, buy gas for the car, and rent is still the same! The only difference I’ve noticed is having to write the new date on the checks I write.
Seriously though, 2021 is a year of hope and promise. The Covid-19 vaccine is here, not without it’s problems, but there is hope it will quell the pandemic which has caused tons of problems and hardships for many. That’s promising and gives optimists hope. Another promising aspect of 2021 is the implantation of the new situations we’ve learned in 2020. Like working from home, how to survive without jamming into crowded office buildings, and lowering the amount of time we spend negotiating traffic jams during rush hour.
But mostly though, I think 2021 is going to be the year we repair the way people act towards each other. I mean, we’ve all experienced some form of hardships in 2020, so the think that you are the only one who suffered is wrong. We all have, so now is a great time to realize we are all pretty much the same. Lets face it, life has been rough and it wasn’t your fault. Covid-19 caused it. So now is the time to be kind to each other, lend a helping hand to those that need it, and try to follow the “golden rule”. Do to others the way you want others to do to you. It’s a lot easier to smile and be respectful than it is to be a jerk and make life hard and a drag for others. So here is to 2021, lets rock and have a great year!