The art of Production. There are things that take Production to get the point across. What I’m talking about is how some things like Movies or Sports Broadcasts are Produced. It is an art.
As with other things, the more the Production costs, the more resources are allotted to it’s Production. It’s not like the budget your Grade School play had if it’s a Disney Movie Production, but both do share one thing in common; when the Production is being put together everyone must be on the same page if the end result is going to be good.
Production is a complicated process if one takes in all the elements that lead to say; the Production of the Movie trailer on television before the theater release of the new movie. It’s all about timing and proper placement of the trailer if the Movie is to be a hit. In the Sports world it can be a bit ticker since a lot depends on who is playing who. If it’s a live Sports event that’s nationally televised the announcers are a very Important part of the Production.
This mix of elements make the big Productions interesting and well worth seeing if you enjoy the art form of Production but on the flip-side of Production are the things that come naturally and need no Production to catch peoples eyes. Just look at The Central Oregon Coast; no Production necessary. The beauty here is natural and it’s our duty as coastal dwellers and visitors to keep it that way. Enjoy!