Touch, taste, sight, sound and smell are the senses humans have. I’m pretty sure animals have them too, but I’m dealing with we humans today! These senses are powerful and can change the directions you were going once they kick in. For example if you’re walking down the street and you suddenly smell a delicious smell you are probably going to try to find out where it’s coming from. If it’s from a bakery you might go in and check it out.
However, the most powerful sense to me is sound. Specifically songs. Imagine driving along listening to the car radio and hearing a song that takes you back to your first romance. It can stop you in your tracks as memories come roaring back!
The other day I walked by the TV and on U-tube was an old clip of American Bandstand in black and white. The song everyone was dancing to was Pork Salad Annie! Talk about a flashback to when I was a kid, it put me right back there. I remember coming home after school to catch the latest Bandstand edition.
Of course as soon as I thought about that, a song from today came on outside and hearing that put me right into today. Yes the sense of sound is alive and well here, I hope yours works also! Happy listening!