A week without the internet is tough on a writer. OK, I could have used my typewriter or paper and pen but I’m a product of the modern age. What really made it tough is that the Baseball playoffs and big football games were going on and I couldn’t comment on any of them!
However, we all have tough days or weeks or whatever, we all have them so to complain is a waste of time, I mean how about the folks in California that have had their power turned off. That would be tough for sure.
But on the bright side, the weather this early Fall has been great and a lot of folks have been outside enjoying it. Also there have been a lot of people visiting the Central Oregon Coast and enjoying it. Lots of Fall craft fairs have been going full speed ahead, and the Eating and Drinking establishments have been fun to frequent.
With Fall ahead there has been a fair amount of pre-Winter planning going on,.Trips to the valley before crummy weather sets in, Holiday planning and arrangements are getting made and other things that must be planned. But since I’ve got my internet back and the Baseball playoffs are heating up and Oregon and Oregon States football teams look good I’ll sign off till next week. Cheers..