Your first day of school can be a preview of life to come . You are now out in the world of other people and other ideas and you’ll see many changes. It’s bound to be a big adventure and hopefully it turns out to be a great adventure.
When you first start school you’re real young and everything is new. Being away from home, meeting others and other firsts dominate your world. However, about the time you reach Junior high or high school you pretty much know your way around school. You’ve learned socialization and if you do or don’t really like school. This is where life intersects with school life and what you’ve learned kicks into your daily activities.
By now you know to recognize who is in charge. Be it your teacher, coach, or bosses at your part time summer jobs. You also know what works and what doesn’t. Unless you like trouble you’ve learned how to avoid it. Then you move on to after high school life and the next big step. Do I continue going to school or do I move into life after school?
At this point it takes a bit of luck and a solid idea of what’s next. Be it college, work, the military, or a multitude of other options there is one clear hint: you need to apply what you’ve been taught in school. Be on time, be clean, be courteous and be nice to others. Good luck with this adventure and happy sailing!!