Parking Lot Play
There was a lot of activity in the store parking lot across the street which got my attention. Turns out it was the cars and trucks opening and closing their doors and people going in and out of the store. However, watching it was interesting. It was like watching a stage play with a beginning, a middle and an end staring people and machines.
The big trucks roll in with produce, meat, and other goodies, their drivers scrambling to get their product into the store. Once they are done it leaves room for cars to dart into the empty spaces. It was a busy day and the parking lot play continued on at a faster pace. The cars darting in and out were a colorful addition to the play. Then came the Pickup trucks doing their best to find open spaces they could fit into. Then to conclude the play were the people. Characters of all sizes, colors and ages. Some approached the store slowly, others quickly. To add to the drama are the people who have been in the store and are now leaving. They dash out as others dash in and the play goes on. The final curtain will come later with the store closing for the day and with all the characters vanishing.
The amazing part of the parking lot play was the lack of horns blowing or brakes squealing as people raced to spots and not one accident occurred even in a very busy parking lot. It was great to see all the activity taking place with the trucks, cars, and people getting along with a common purpose; go to the store and take care of business.
This article was also published in “The Information Station” a local hand-out in our area…