A Deep-Sea Mystery Unfolds as a Rare Pacific Football Fish Discovered on Oregon Coast Beachcombers near Cannon Beach recently made a startling discovery: the first Pacific football fish ever reported on the Oregon coast. This deep-sea angler fish, scientifically known as Himantoliphus sagamius, was found just south of Cannon Beach, marking a significant event for…
The Village
URGENT NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICE City of Yachats Ordinance No. 374 – Effective April 20, 2024 Attention Yachats Residents! This notice is in reference to two articles published by YachatsNews.com https://yachatsnews.com/yachats-homeless-camping/ https://yachatsnews.com/yachats-homeless-camping-ban/ Recent developments in our community have raised serious concerns about the safety and well-being of our neighborhoods. It’s imperative that we address these issues together…
Clamming in Lincoln County: Exploring the Historic Tradition
Introduction: Lincoln County is famous for its lively clamming scene, offering a fantastic experience that’s both fun and affordable. Let’s dive into an adventure full of excitement, discovery, and the joy of gathering your own food. Getting Started: To begin your clamming journey, visit the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website. You’ll find helpful…
Take Things For Granted
It’s easy to take things for granted and not to appreciate them. But sometimes that isn’t the way it works. The things you take for granted change with the situation, time, or even physical movement. Imagine if the electricity and water weren’t working. You’d be upset to say the least. We take those important parts…
The Yachats Gazette
Here Ye, Here Ye, read all about it!! While Robert Murdoch’s massive conglomerate the News Corporation is going through troubling and tumultuous times and Newspapers worldwide are fighting to stay alive against the onslaught of electronic news, on the western edge of this country, the Central Coast of Oregon, an intrepid individual in the village…
Another Yachats Wedding
Well they finally did it… they took the plunge… made the commitment… Jeremy and Tara were married, officially, legally and happily. On August 9, 2008, long time residents Jeremy Helton and Tara Raybun exchanged their vows under the hallowed officiation of “Reverend Max” Their ever-memorable wedding took place around Noon-ish under sunny skies up Ten…