Here Ye, Here Ye, read all about it!!
While Robert Murdoch’s massive conglomerate the News Corporation is going through troubling and tumultuous times and Newspapers worldwide are fighting to stay alive against the onslaught of electronic news, on the western edge of this country, the Central Coast of Oregon, an intrepid individual in the village of Yachats is taking a bold step and entering the publishing world via a newspaper; The Yachats Gazette!
This comes at a time when small towns and villages have often been left with out a true local newspaper. As media corporations trim budgets and thin staff to stay competitive, some small papers have fallen by the wayside. However, the other day a source of mine informed me that Yachats, who once had a great local paper “Big Mouth”, will no longer be without a voice of the people.
Word had it that the first issue of The Yachats Gazette was now available. Well I snooped around a bit and finally found a copy of the first issue of The Yachats Gazette and arranged a conversation with the publisher via email. Here is what the publisher Allen Taylor had to say about his paper.
“The Yachats Gazette, as it is properly called, is available at the Green Salmon and Mari’s Books in Yachats. I just decided to start the newspaper– I didn’t really have any underlying idea. I’m definitely not going to expand it this year. But maybe in March I might double the page size to include a whole new section of articles, which would be “Restaurants and Good Eats.” Yes, it’s a year-round monthly paper. This is my first venture into this field or any field. I haven’t started anything, from lemonade stands to insurance companies.
The newspaper is not available outside of Yachats, but it is available on-line: . It is a free paper, not a subscription paper”.
Certainly Allen Taylor has a game plan and on the mast head of the paper he lists in addition to himself, Eddie Taylor; Editorial Assistant and Transportation, and Heather Taylor; Graphic Design, and for advertisement and to be featured please contact Allen Taylor at
Many papers have started small in small villages and towns and The Yachats Gazette just may be one of those small papers that grows or maybe it will always remain a small paper but nevertheless it’s a local paper and when reading it one can tell it’s a paper that is put together with heart and soul. I salute Allen Taylor in this exciting chapter of his life and hope you all will get a chance to see his work in print!
Here Ye, Here Ye, to read all about it grab a copy of The Yachats Gazette!
At the time of this writing, Allen Taylor was eight years old!
To reach Rick Schultze email