Wow, what a week! Given it’s 2020 and things are goofy, but this was one of the most bizarre weeks I’ve experienced yet. First of all was Thanksgiving were gatherings were discouraged. What a switch from was is normally a chance for family and friends to get together and have a good time.
However I did talk to a few folks that were glad they didn’t have to go visit, they didn’t feel the pressure to make a big meal or having to travel to some distant location to be with family and friends. “Next year” was a phrase I heard often.
Then with the freeze on restaurants and bars due to Covid-19 I couldn’t meet with my buddies for our weekly “Council Meetings”. I feel really bad for all the hospitality workers who were suddenly out of work again! Even going to the store was weird, masking up and social distancing seemed to take a lot of fun out of going shopping!
So instead of going somewhere to celebrate Thanksgiving I did what many did, watch TV. I mean watching everything, from the news, seasonal special specials, cooking shows, and of course in my case, football. There were and are, so many games being played I began to feel like a coach or referee as I shouted at my TV when a call didn’t go the way I saw it!
However, the most entertaining game I saw was the upset of the nationally ranked Oregon Ducks by the un-ranked Oregon State Beavers. It was a wild game played in Corvallis in an empty Reser Stadium. Just imagine the excitement and partying in Beaver land if fans had been able to attend! But not this year, I’ll have to go along with the rest of us and say “Next Year”. Happy Holidays!!