The art of Production. There are things that take Production to get the point across. What I’m talking about is how some things like Movies or Sports Broadcasts are Produced. It is an art. As with other things, the more the Production costs, the more resources are allotted to it’s Production. It’s not like the…
The Trilogy of life
A View From Here. Sights, sounds and smells. The Trilogy of life; how you see it, what it sounds like to you, and how things smell to you. Obviously each person is different and each situation is different and since we are dealing with individuals it’s kind of fun to see how different scenarios effect…
Lincoln County Library District
In the Special Election the measure 21-197 to provide funding for The Lincoln County Library District and five Libraries in Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo and Waldport, passed by a wide margin. This shows the communities respect and use of these hubs of activity and knowledge available to all that want to take advantage of…
Daylight Savings
Now that Daylight Saving is gone for this year, just what do I do with the extra hour I gained? I know for sure I can’t save it like in a savings account otherwise I’d save a weeks worth then take a week off! However, Daylight Savings time may be going through some changes soon….
For The Birds
For the Birds When the weather allows it, one of my favorite things to do is to watch the bird population in action! I don’t watch the way The Audubon Bird Society group does, but as just a guy who lives on The Central Oregon Coast near the ocean, a market, a bay and a…
A Great World Series In Baseball
This is going to be a great World Series in Baseball, both teams won by outlasting the rest of their rivals with great pitching and clutch hitting. But more than anything both teams, The Washington Nationals and The Huston Astros, had a group of players who played together and took care of one another. If…
A Change of Season
It’s the change of Season so there is a change in the Advertisements we see on a daily basis. The print Ad’s don’t change as much as the television Ad’s do, but they are all affected by the season. You don’t advertise swim suits in winter. And on the other hand there is the one…
Without the Internet
A week without the internet is tough on a writer. OK, I could have used my typewriter or paper and pen but I’m a product of the modern age. What really made it tough is that the Baseball playoffs and big football games were going on and I couldn’t comment on any of them! However,…
The Weather
One of the amazing things about Oregon and in particular The Central Oregon Coast, is the weather. As I write this it’s T-Shirt weather. Sure the rain will come soon and spend some quality time here, but today the Sun and it’s warm rays have the upper hand. When the rain does come The Central…
Schedule is that word that really means how you manage your time. You can’t Schedule a thing unless you’ve Scheduled your time to allow you to successfully stick with the Schedule. We all have Schedules and as we go through life our Schedules change. When you are a baby people Schedule around your needs, but…